World War 1 Exhibition

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Commemorating the centenary of the start of World War 1 was a particularly poignant undertaking for Comunn Eachdraidh Nis in 2014. The magnitude of the Great War’s impact on this small community required a range of appropriate tributes.

Artefacts, testimonies and photographs were presented in a powerful and moving exhibition which attracted record audiences. The North Lewis Poppy Trail, marking the homes and crofts of the fallen, was an unforgettable reminder of the terrible toll of war on the villages of Ness and the west side.

Generations later, we remember their ultimate sacrifice in the theatre of war.

A story of courage

As a more permanent tribute to those who served, Comunn Eachdraidh Nis published, the award winning ‘Dol Fodha na Grèine’ (The Going Down of the Sun: the Great War and a rural Lewis community), which chronicled, not only the course of the war, but importantly, the personal stories and testimonies of survivors and casualties.

View in the Gift Shop

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