Nobody's Home by John Maher
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Celebrated photographer John Maher’s images provide a unique perspective on Hebridean life and landscapes. Born and bred in Manchester, England, John is known internationally as the drummer of The Buzzcocks, a punk rock band formed in 1976, which found fame across the world as a trailblazer of this new, anarchic musical genre.
John’s love affair with the Outer Hebrides began in the 1990s. Following several holidays on the islands, he settled on the Isle of Harris in 2002 and began to develop his photography. Using mainly long exposure techniques, which are perfect for landscapes unspoilt by light pollution, John introduces surreal shafts of colour to bleak and remote settings.
John Maher’s work is a fascinating and intriguing social history of the islands.
Rediscovered art
‘Nobody’s Home’ reflects John’s fascination with the abandoned homes and shielings of the Hebrides. Images, both exterior and interior, capture intricate details of abandoned lives and lifestyles, which, on closer examination reveal the unexpected and the humorous.